Results for 'Ana Bastidas Tinizaray'

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  1.  16
    J. F. Sellés, J. M. Fidalgo, Antropología Filosófica: La persona humana, Manuales del ISCR, Eunsa, Pamplona, 2018.Ana Bastidas Tinizaray - 2019 - Studia Poliana 21:180-181.
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    J. F. Sellés, F. Gallardo, Teoría del conocimiento, Manuales ISCR, Eunsa, Pamplona, 2019, 190 pp. [REVIEW]Ana Bastidas-Tinizaray - 2020 - Studia Poliana 22:248-250.
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    J. F. Sellés, Teología para inconformes. Claves teológicas de L. Polo, Rialp, Madrid, 2019, 706 pp. [REVIEW]Ana Bastidas-Tinizaray - 2020 - Studia Poliana 22:250-252.
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    L. Polo, Artículos y conferencias (A. Bastidas y J. F. Sellés eds.). en Obras Completas, Serie B, vol. XXX. EUNSA, Pamplona, 2022, 563 pp. [REVIEW]Ana Bastidas - forthcoming - Studia Poliana:220-221.
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    L. Polo, Conversaciones (A. Bastidas y J. F. Sellés, eds.). en Obras Completas, Serie B, vol. XXXIII. EUNSA, Pamplona, 661 pp. [REVIEW]Ana Bastidas - forthcoming - Studia Poliana:231-234.
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    Juan Fernando Sellés, 33 Virtudes humanas según Leonardo Polo, EUNSA (Colección Astrolabio), Pamplona, 2020, 450 pp. [REVIEW]Ana Bastidas - 2021 - Studia Poliana 23:227-228.
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    Juan Fernando Sellés, La filosofía en su historia. Síntesis y revisión crítica desde una concepción Poliana, Sindéresis, Madrid, 2020, 745 pp. [REVIEW]Ana Bastidas - 2021 - Studia Poliana 23:220-222.
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  8. El amor y la verdad y la libertad de expresión.Héctor Vargas Bastidas - 2004 - Límite: Revista de Filosofía y Psicología 11:39-55.
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  9. Agua, poder y tecnología: megaproyectos hídricos y movilización social en Ecuador.Hidalgo Bastidas & Juan Pablo - 2020 - Wageningen, The Netherlands: Justicia Hídrica.
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  10. Las cláusulas abusivas en el Contrato de Seguro.Flor Villalobos de Bastidas & Alix Aguirre Andrade - 2008 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 10 (2):237-261.
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  11. Gli argomenti di Perelman.Letizia Gianformaggio Bastida - 1973 - Milano,: Edizioni di Communità.
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    Inteligencia artificial na perspectiva bioética.Luis Guillermo Bastidas-Goyes - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 31:166-183.
    O século XXI evidencia um impulso significativo de fusões entre ciência e tecnologia, ao contrário de outras etapas históricas. Os seres humanos e sua rotina estão se transformando devido às tecnociências. Nesse sentido, este estudo tem um duplo propósito: por um lado, contextualizar a inteligência artificial na órbita da quarta revolução industrial. E, por outro lado, examinar posturas sobre as divergências entre máquinas e humanos. As descobertas tornam evidente como as máquinas evoluem e adquirem sofisticação. Diante disso, em relação ao (...)
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    Cognition and Interpretation of Law.Letizia Gianformaggio Bastida & Stanley L. Paulson - 1995 - Giappichelli.
  14. La construcción de la santidad en María de Santo domingo: La imitación de Catalina de Siena.Rebeca Sanmartín Bastida - 2013 - Ciencia Tomista 140 (450):141-160.
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    Reflexiones en torno a la educación.Araceli Bastida de la Toba - 2017 - La Paz, Baja California Sur: Instituto Sudcaliforniano de Cultura, Gobierno del Estado Baja California Sur.
  16. La fusión bancaria en Venezuela. Importancia de las TIC en la banca universal y microfinanciera nacional/Bank Merger in Venezuela. Importance of ICT in Universal Banking and National Microfinance.Flor Villalobos de Bastidas, Alexis Aguirre & Nelly Manasía - 2013 - Telos (Venezuela) 15 (3):414-428.
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    Ciencia y tecnología, dos bienes sociales.Arístides Bastidas - 1985 - Caracas: Ediciones del Rectorado, Universidad Central de Venezuela.
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    Diritto e felicità: la teoria del diritto in Helvétius.Letizia Gianformaggio Bastida - 1979 - Milano: Edizioni di Comunità.
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  19. Intensité, individuation, évolution. Commentaire du chapitre V : « Synthèse asymétrique du sensible ».David Bastidas-Bolaños - 2025 - Philosophique 28 (28):129-147.
    Deleuze's most general project is to establish an immanent genesis of real experience. In Difference and Repetition, this ambition involves not only the discovery and development of a double genetic circuit — a static genesis of being and a dynamic genesis of thought —, but also the action of a so-called “transcendental” principle. In the fifth chapter of the book, this principle refers to the concept of intensity and to the realm of an “asymmetrical synthesis of the sensible”. What is (...)
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  20. The sweet servitude: An irrationalistic concept of law.Xacobe Bastida Freixedo - 2001 - Rechtstheorie 32 (4):417-449.
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    El lugar de la Música en la Filosofía del siglo XX.Maria Angeles Beitia Bastida - 2017 - Endoxa 39:305.
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    El derecho como creencia: una concepción de la filosofía del derecho.Xacobe Bastida Freixedo - 2000 - Bogotá: Universidad Externado de Colombia.
    Análisis crítico de las diferentes concepciones que han dominado el universo jurídico y sus definiciones del derecho: iusnaturalismo, positivismo, realismo y posiciones eclécticas, las cuales han sido para el autor incapaces de descubrir el ser del derecho. Bastida propone aquí su propia solución al problema de la ontología del derecho y aborda el derecho como un tipo especial de creencia que desempeña el papel de "catalizador de obediencia" en el hombre.
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    La ciencia amena.Arístides Bastidas - 1976 - Caracas: Promociones RESI.
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    La difícil situación de ser persona adulta mayor en el Perú en tiempos de pandemia.Mágaly Rosaura Arredondo Bastidas - 2021 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política 36 (36):23-53.
    El presente artículo tiene por objetivo revisar y cuestionar algunos conceptos tradicionales cuando se aborda la temática de las personas adultas mayores, con la finalidad de analizar de manera cronológica y desde una perspectiva de derechos humanos, la normatividad legal que dispuso y prorrogó la cuarentena focalizada en tiempos 1de pandemia a causa del COVID-19. Sustentando que las medidas legales adoptadas fueron discriminatorias por razón de edad, no sólo significando la privación del derecho a la libertad de tránsito, sino que (...)
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    Liderazgo y trabajo en equipo en las empresas prestadoras del servicio de agua potable y saneamiento del Estado Trujillo (Leadership and teamwork present in the companies offering service of drinkable water and sanitation of Trujillo State).Oswaldo Bastidas, Elsy Godoy & Fidel Moreno - 2008 - Daena 3 (2):286-302.
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    Oír y pensar la música en el siglo XX: un ensayo de filosofía de la música.Beitia Bastida & Ma Ángeles - 2019 - Madrid, España: Vision Libros.
    Introducción -- Autonomía e historicismo en la obra musical -- La normatividad estética en la música -- Música como lenguaje expresivo -- Música como lenguaje más allá de la representación -- La experiencia de la recepción -- Epílogo.
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    Plataforma ética de la asociación de comerciantes e industriales del municipio Valera, Estado Trujillo (Ethical platform of the association of retailers and industrialists of Valera municipality, Trujillo State).Oswaldo Bastidas, Thais Valero, María de Egañez, Elsy Godoy & Fidel Moreno - 2008 - Daena 3 (2):12-21.
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    Rethinking Female Sainthood: Michèle Roberts’ Spiritual Quest in Impossible Saints.Patricia Bastida Rodríguez - 2006 - Feminist Theology 15 (1):70-83.
    Women’s marginalized position in Christianity has been a central concern in much of Michèle Roberts’ fiction, springing from her Catholic education and her awareness of the sexist ideology underlying Christian doctrine. Her growing fascination with the figure of the female saint is reflected in Impossible Saints,1 her most recent novel dealing with Christianity, where she offers an utterly transgressive exploration of female sainthood through the subverted, fictionalised lives of a number of women who have been canonized as saints by the (...)
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    Scritti per Uberto Scarpelli.Uberto Scarpelli, Letizia Gianformaggio Bastida & Mario Jori (eds.) - 1997 - Milano: A. Giuffrè.
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    Sentido de la Escuela para niños y niñas mapuche en una zona rural.Ilich Silva-Peña, Karina Bastidas García, Luis Calfuqueo Tapia, Juan Díaz Llancafil & Jorge Valenzuela Carreño - 2013 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 34.
    El presente artículo se enmarca en el campo de la comprensión acerca del sentido que se le otorga a la escuela. En este caso se contextualiza la pregunta en estudiantes mapuche que asisten a un colegio rural de alta vulnerabilidad socioeconómica. A través de un enfoque cualitativo se buscó principalmente comprender el sentido que le dan niños y niñas a la escuela y las motivaciones que tienen para asistir. Participaron 20 niños y niñas en dos grupos focales. Luego de los (...)
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    Book review: African Women Writing Resistance: An Anthology of Contemporary Voices. [REVIEW]Patricia Bastida-Rodríguez - 2012 - European Journal of Women's Studies 19 (2):256-260.
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    Hacia las fuentes del empirismo trascendental. Deleuze con y más allá de Gueroult.Igor Krtolica & David Bastidas-Bolaños - 2024 - Universitas Philosophica 41 (82):229-247.
    La relación de Deleuze con Gueroult es paradójica. Desde un punto de vista estrictamente filosófico, Gueroult profesaba un racionalismo que poco tenía que envidiar al de Alquié o al de Hyppolite, el cual Deleuze no dejará de criticar severamente. Ahora bien, Deleuze no solo no critica las posiciones de Gueroult, sino que las adopta continuamente. ¿Cómo puede explicarse esto? La razón nos parece ser la siguiente: Gueroult jamás dejó de apoyar y sostener la exigencia de un “orden sintético” o de (...)
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  33. Las relaciones peligrosas Derecho e ideología en la obra de Kelsen y Marx.Xacobe Bastida Freixedo - 1992 - El Basilisco 11:46-57.
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  34. The application of EU competition law to the exploitation of human genome editing technology.Vladimir Bastidas Venegas - 2023 - In Santa Slokenberga, Timo Minssen & Ana Nordberg, Governing, protecting, and regulating the future of genome editing: the significance of ELSPI perspectives. Boston: Brill/Nijhoff.
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    Authentic Leadership and Improved Individual Performance: Affective Commitment and Individual Creativity’s Sequential Mediation.Ana Patrícia Duarte, Neuza Ribeiro, Ana Suzete Semedo & Daniel Roque Gomes - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Authentic leadership has become increasingly important in the literature, attracting the attention of many scholars in the last decade. This study adopted an employee-centered perspective to guide its examination of the relationship between authentic leadership and individual performance and investigation of the sequential mediation of employees’ affective commitment and individual creativity. An analysis was conducted of data collected from 214 employees working in different business sectors. The results reveal a statistically significant positive relationship between authentic leadership and employees’ workplace performance, (...)
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    Towards a brutalism of the sublime. Violence and power in the Analytic of the sublime in the Critique of the Power of Judgment.David Antonio Bastidas Bolaños - 2022 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 67:89-110.
    The Kantian approach to the sublime in the Critique of the Power of Judgment is based on an antagonism between two faculties, Imagination and Reason. In order to understand this conflict under new conceptual coordinates, and pursuing a triple exegetical, aesthetical and political interest, the aim of the present paper is to develop the brutal character proper to the conceptual dynamics deployed in such an approach. Reconstructing this mouvement from the incidences of the term Gewalt, under a brutalism of the (...)
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  37. The person in the mirror: using the enfacement illusion to investigate the experiential structure of self-identification.Manos Tsakiris Ana Tajadura-Jiménez, Matthew R. Longo, Rosie Coleman - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (4):1725.
    How do we acquire a mental representation of our own face? Recently, synchronous, but not asynchronous, interpersonal multisensory stimulation between one’s own and another person’s face has been used to evoke changes in self-identification . We investigated the conscious experience of these changes with principal component analyses that revealed that while the conscious experience during synchronous IMS focused on resemblance and similarity with the other’s face, during asynchronous IMS it focused on multisensory stimulation. Analyses of the identified common factor structure (...)
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    Transitioning Collaborative Cross-Sector Business Models for Sustainability Innovation: Multilevel Tension Management as a Dynamic Capability.Ana Felgueiras, Vanessa Mato-Santiso & Marta Rey-Garcia - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (5):1132-1173.
    Collaborative cross-sector business models for sustainability innovation (CCSBMSI) in response to grand challenges are rich foci for tensions. This is the case of CCSBMSI targeting independent living through Information and Communication Technology–enabled care. This research aims at identifying the relevant tensions, understanding their interactions, and assessing how they can be effectively managed so that CCSBMSI become more valuable for partners and transformative for society. A conceptual framework that understands the management of interrelated institutional and interorganizational tensions as a dynamic capability (...)
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    The promises and limitations of codes of medical ethics as instruments of policy change.Ana Komparic, Patrick Garon-Sayegh & Cécile M. Bensimon - 2023 - Bioethics 37 (4):406-415.
    Codes of medical ethics (codes) are part of a longstanding tradition in which physicians publicly state their core values and commitments to patients, peers, and the public. However, codes are not static. Using the historical evolution of the Canadian Medical Association's Code of Ethics as an illustrative case, we argue that codes are living, socio-historically situated documents that comprise a mix of prescriptive and aspirational content. Reflecting their socio-historical situation, we can expect the upheaval of the COVID-19 pandemic to prompt (...)
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    Cyborgs, biotechnologies, and informatics in health care – new paradigms in nursing sciences.Ana Paula Teixeira de Almeida Vieira Monteiro - 2016 - Nursing Philosophy 17 (1):19-27.
    Nursing Sciences are at a moment of paradigmatic transition. The aim of this paper is to reflect on the new epistemological paradigms of nursing science from a critical approach. In this paper, we identified and analysed some new research lines and trends which anticipate the reorganization of nursing sciences and the paradigms emerging from nursing care: biotechnology‐centred knowledge; the interface between nursing knowledge and new information technologies; body care centred knowledge; the human body as a cyborg body; and the rediscovery (...)
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    Bioethics as Methodological Case Resolution: Specification, Specified Principlism and Casuistry.Ana Smith Iltis - 2000 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 25 (3):271-284.
    Bioethical decision-making depends on presuppositions about the function and goal of bioethics. The authors in this issue of The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy share the assumption that bioethics is about resolving cases, not about moral theory, and that the best method of bioethical decision-making is that which produces useful answers. Because we have no universally agreed upon background moral theory which can serve as the basis for bioethical decision-making, they try to move bioethics away from theory. For them, a (...)
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    Indigenous Development and the Cultural Captivity of Entrepreneurship.Ana María Peredo & Murdith McLean - 2013 - Business and Society 52 (4):592-620.
    This article argues that thinking about entrepreneurship as a potential instrument for relief from endemic poverty and disadvantage, especially among the Indigenous, has all too often been captive to a concept of entrepreneurship that is built out of constrained economic and cultural assumptions. The authors develop this argument from a critical discussion of contributions by Karl Polanyi and Robert Heilbroner. The result is that approaches to venture have been encouraged that are sometimes a poor fit for the circumstances of those (...)
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    Cuestionamientos a las relaciones en el metaverso. El “entre” como espacio de encuentro y significación.Ana Cristina Montoya & Jesús David Cifuentes - 2024 - Perseitas 12:116-135.
    El metaverso, como nuevo espacio prometido de interacción social, no configura en sí mismo la posibilidad del encuentro, porque no es el espacio lo que propicia el “entre” sino la disposición de las personas. Por ello en este artículo se dirige la mirada al interior del ser humano y se centra en la reflexión ética del ser en el estar; precisamente, porque toda herramienta configura un nuevo ethos con el sujeto. En primer lugar, tras problematizar la pregunta por el metaverso, (...)
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    Fencing blindfolded: extending meaning through sound, floor, and blade.Ana Koncul - 2022 - Semiotica 2022 (248):299-319.
    Fencing for the blind and visually impaired is an emerging sub-discipline of fencing that creates unusual conditions for meaning-making through interaction between embodied endowments and worldly affordances. With the rules of fencing slightly adjusted to the needs of the blindfolded participants – regardless of their sightedness – the discipline requires the fencers to engage in a duel by relying on other than visual cues. This article explores what an autoethnographic account of experiences of participation in fencing for the blind and (...)
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    Etica e diritto: le vie della giustificazione razionale.Marco Borioni, Letizia Gianformaggio Bastida & Eugenio Lecaldano (eds.) - 1986 - Roma: Laterza.
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    A Commons Strategy for Promoting Entrepreneurship and Social Capital: Implications for Community Currencies, Cryptocurrencies, and Value Exchange.Ana Cristina O. Siqueira, Benson Honig, Sandra Mariano & Joysi Moraes - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 166 (4):711-726.
    Examining how new forms of currencies diffuse is important to uncover their impact on the organization of communities, and thus motivates our study of community currencies. Community currencies provide a medium of exchange by using alternative banknotes or electronic money, which circulates only within particular communities, allowing members to trade goods, increase social cohesion, and achieve collective goals. In this study, we examine how community currencies help facilitate social commons by serving as a setting for building community relationships and a (...)
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    Embodied Cognition in Performance: The Impact of Michael Chekhov’s Acting Exercises on Affect and Height Perception.Ana Hedberg Olenina, Eric L. Amazeen, Bonnie Eckard & Jason Papenfuss - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  48. Ethics in global business and in a plural society.Ana Marta González - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 44 (1):23 - 36.
    The contemporary confluence of globalization and ethical pluralism is at the origin of many ethical challenges that confront business nowadays, both in practice and in theory. One of the challenges arising from the development of globalization has to do with respect for cultural diversity. It is often said that the success of economic globalization tends towards social and cultural homogeneity. To the extent that cultural diversity is usually seen as a valuable reality, that global trend seems to contradict our efforts (...)
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  49. Kant's Philosophy of Education: Between Relational and Systemic Approaches.Ana Marta González - 2011 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 45 (3):433-454.
    The purpose of this paper is to view Kant's approach to education in the broader context of Kant's philosophy of culture and history as a process whose direction should be reflectively assumed by human freedom, in the light of man's moral vocation. In this context, some characteristic tensions of his enlightened approach to education appear. Thus, while Kant takes the educational process to be a radically moral enterprise all the way through—and hence, placed in a relational context—he also aspires to (...)
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    Disentangling Pantomime From Early Sign in a New Sign Language: Window Into Language Evolution Research.Ana Mineiro, Inmaculada Concepción Báez-Montero, Mara Moita, Isabel Galhano-Rodrigues & Alexandre Castro-Caldas - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In this study, we aim to disentangle pantomime from early signs in a newly-born sign language: Sao Tome and Principe Sign Language. Our results show that within 2 years of their first contact with one another, a community of 100 participants interacting everyday was able to build a shared language. The growth of linguistic systematicity, which included a decrease in use of pantomime, reduction of the amplitude of signs and an increase in articulation economy, showcases a learning, and social interaction (...)
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